Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes many people make when it comes to security is being uninformed. Most people, on any given day, are completely unaware of criminal incidents and crime statistics in areas where they live, work or travel. And this lack of knowledge in the long-term could have serious safety and financial repercussions.

G-Defense Systems is dedicated to helping our clients and the public become more aware of security risks facing them. G-Defense Systems is therefore, happy to announce that we have made the SpotCrime crime mapping tool available on our website to track crime in your area! Just go to the front page of our website and click on the link that says "Click Here to Track Crime In Your Area"

By typing in your address or location, SpotCrime produces a Google map listing recent criminal incidents by location and type. SpotCrime uses police records, news sources and user generated information to create the most comprehensive online source for crime information. The SpotCrime tool -- available on our homepage -- provides crime data that is invaluable for anyone concerned about security conditions in their neighborhood.

SpotCrime highlights various types of criminal activity, including theft, burglary and robbery incidents. Taking a look at results for your specific address is also a great tool for determining the relevant safety measures and products necessary to safeguard you and your family's well-being as well as your property and business. For instance, levels of burglary, theft and robbery in an area can help decide the grade and level of window security laminates you will need to protect your home, vehicle or business. G-Defense Systems provides an array of protective window films and laminates including both the ACE and Hanitatek laminate lines.

Additionally, areas with more significant crime problems may require a more comprehensive approach, such as a combination of window security laminates, door frame reinforcements and other security products. G-Defense Systems not only has the resources to address such concerns, we also provide free security consultations to answer your questions and determine your specific security security needs to ensure that you and your loved ones as well as your property and personnel are safe and secure.

So take a look at G-Defense Systems and click on the Crime Alerts box on our homepage to check crime in your area and to stay informed.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Basic Home Security Review

Basic Home Security Review

We at G-Defense Systems, Inc. know that home security is a primary concern for most people. Whether you live in a single-family house, condominium, apartment or even a dorm, feeling secure in your home is a necessity. Home security is NOT just an alarm system. There are many other security considerations that should be covered to ensure the safety and security of your house, personal property and loved ones. To get a more accurate picture of your home security needs, you must first conduct a basic security review of your home, taking a closer look at all access points in your home.  So, get a notepad and let’s begin.


Take a closer look at all doors in your home that lead to the outside. Access doors include the front door, garage doors, basement doors (if applicable) as well as the door from your garage into your home. Look closely at each door to make sure that all primary doors have at minimum a deadbolt. Look at the condition of the door, do any of the doors need repairs or even replacement?  How about the hardware, are the handles loose or falling off? Also, look for secondary locking system that can only be opened from the inside, if you don’t have one, make a note. Finally, look at the overall structure of your doorways, can they withstand an attempted kick-in? Write down all noted problems or concerns you have about all access doors to your home.


Conduct a similar inspection for all windows in the home. Look at the condition of the windows and make sure that all of them shut securely and that window locks operate properly.  Again, check for secondary safety locks. Inspect your glass and check for any security and/or anti-breakage laminates applied to the windows. Write down anything that appears to be less than adequate in terms of security and safety.

Alarm System

Review your overall security alarm system. (If you don’t have one, that’s where you should start). Make sure your alarm covers all the access points to your home. Review the quality and standards of your alarm system manufacturer, company and monitoring service. Do some research and make sure you are getting the best available service.

Once you have completed  this basic review, take the most significant and/or noticeable security problems and start working your way through them to secure your home. Here are just a few of the products available on the market to address commonly overlooked security gaps:

Security Products   

     a). Door frame reinforcements to prevent kick-ins.

Most home break-ins are caused by kick-ins. However, a simple door frame reinforcement kit can prevent majority of these incidents. This inexpensive solution is one of the best ways to secure doors in your home. Just make sure that the product is up to standards and you have a professional install. G-Defense Systems uses the U.S. patented StrikeMaster II Pro door frame reinforcement and has the professional installers to the job right. Contact us at for more information..

     b). Window laminates to prevent glass breakage.

Many criminals access homes through breaking windows. Glass provides the least resistance for entry. However, glass security laminates can make breaking a window a significantly more difficult ordeal. Some laminates can withstand impacts of even hurricane force winds, making the quick smash and grab scenario for a common criminal extremely difficult. G-Defense Systems specializes in high-end safety films and security laminates with trained and certified technicians able to ensure proper glass laminate installation; providing that added protection from both natural and criminal destructive elements. Call in the G-Defense Systems professionals and discuss some of the options to secure these fragile access points in your home.

     c). An alarm system is crucial for all types of homes.

Alarm systems are available in all forms, from major wired systems installed throughout the home to portable, wireless systems for dorm or apartment living. Whatever your needs, it is important to make sure that your alarm system is from a reputable manufacturer and monitoring company.

Finally, If you feel that you are out of your element in reviewing the security status of your home, call in a professional. G-Defense Systems offers such a review and/or security consultation for free. Don’t put this off any longer. Start the new year safe, sound and protected by calling G-Defense Systems!

If you have any questions regarding personal home security, send us an email at